Tec4med’s transport boxes not only cool the vaccines, but the company’s cloud application also allows all shipments to be tracked in real-time. This way, both the medical staff and the logistics provider know where the vaccines are. It also allows for remote access to critical data such as temperature and shipment status.
A lock also makes the company’s boxes theft-proof. That’s because Covid-19 vaccines will be difficult to protect from theft and tampering by conventional means. The real-time tracking and additional security thus make it more difficult for unauthorized access to highly sensitive vaccines.
Learn more about the transport solutions in the article from the Hessenschau edition of 12/23/2020: https://www.hessenschau.de/tv-sendung (The article starts at 14:40 minutes).
Or read the article from Echo Online about Tec4med’s solutions and how they enable Corona vaccinations: https://www.echo-online.de/wirtschaft/wirtschaft-regional